Travel Tips

13 Things I have learned from travelling

There is so much to learn from travelling. Travelling is one of the best ways that life offers us to gain experience.

Travelling changes us, we break out of our comfort zone, we learn a lot about ourselves and other people and also about life itself. And, of course, we face our fears.

Travel is one of the most beautiful things in life. I picked out 13 things I learned while travelling around the world.

Throw your plans out the window

No matter how many plans you make, no matter how accurately you plan something, most of the time everything will turn out completely differently than you imagined it would.

It is best to try to make as few plans as possible and just let everything go. Because spontaneous ideas are, as you know, the best ideas…

Pack as light as possible

You will very often have to carry your luggage several kilometers far and not always at the desired temperatures. So the lighter your suitcase or backpack is, the easier it is to transport your luggage.

Waking up early is worth it

Just to watch the different sunrises in the most different places of the world, getting up early is quite worthwhile. And also to visit famous places, if they are not yet crowded with tourists.

Especially if you want to walk a well-known hiking route, it is also useful to start early so as not to run into too many other people who might be blocking your path or disturbing the peace of nature.

And also to have more time in one day and experience more in 24 hours, it makes sense to get up early.

Travelling alone is the best way to go

If you travel alone, no one will be able to influence your plans and intentions. You won’t have to follow anyone else and you can go wherever and whenever you want. In addition, you become more independent: because if you have problems, you have to solve them in most cases on your own.

You learn other languages

Probably you won’t make much effort to learn the language of a foreign country where you only stay for a short time. But just the fact that you regularly read street signs and menus will teach you at least some of the local language.

In addition, you will meet many travellers from all over the world. You probably talk about your home country and certain words from your language.

It teaches you to appreciate the little things

You will stay in many uncomfortable beds or in uncomfortable places. And often notice that the food at home tastes very different.

When you come home from a long journey, there’s nothing better than your own bed or a long-missed favourite dish.

The world is friendly and welcoming

There are a lot of people out there who are willing to help you at any time, whether you asked them to or not. No matter where in the world you go, there are so many friendly people that you can always ask for help with problems.

You are never alone

If you travel a lot, you’ll find that you’re never alone. You’ll always meet someone new, no matter where. Whether on an organized tour, on a trip by bus from one place to another, in the hostel or in places where you hardly expect it.

Especially with other backpackers you automatically have many similarities. This way you can get into a conversation very quickly.

You appreciate differences

As soon as you leave your home country, you will meet people from completely different cultures. These people think, speak and act very differently than you and your familiar surroundings. You learn how different people can live and it can be interesting to find out.

You develop confidence

After traveling for a while, you’ll find that you’ve already done a lot on your own. You made it to your next destination on your own. You arranged a bus or plane trip on your own. You’ve been communicating with strangers from foreign cultures in a foreign language. You’ve done a lot of things that you may not have known before you were capable of.

Breaking out of your comfort zone is one of the best ways to boost your self-confidence. Because that’s the way you’re going to face your fears.

Experiences are better than stuff

The longer you travel, the more often you will find that experiences are far more important than material things. Nothing can keep up with the experiences you’re gaining.

You’ll learn to be able to limit yourself to what’s necessary. You’ll want to invest your money in new experiences.

You have to try new things

From new lifestyles, new cultures to new dishes. You’re going to try so many new things. You’re gonna have to do things that you never thought you could do on your own.

The most important thing is that you learn to break out of your comfort zone.

It teaches open-mindedness

You learn that everyone is different, that there are different cultures and different ways of living their lives. You will learn not to judge directly until you have gathered enough information about a person.

And you will learn that differences are normal and without those differences the world would be a boring place. Because it is these differences that make the world and life so exciting.