Thailand, Travel Guide

15 Things you need to do, when you travel to Thailand

Jungle, crazy parties, delicious food and fantastic beaches: In recent years Southeast Asia and especially Thailand have become very popular for young backpackers. This is mainly due to the fact that the country is easy and very cheap to travel.

There is also a lot to do in Thailand: you can visit temples, try yoga, learn to dive, go to Full Moon parties, explore the North by motorbike, visit national parks, learn Muay Thai or go on a boat trip.

I travelled through Thailand for four weeks in 2022 and was able to experience a lot of the thai culture and gain many new experiences during that time. In this blog post you will find the best things you need to do and the best places you need to visit when you come to Thailand:

Enjoy a night out at Kao Shan Road

The Kao Shan Road is located in the centre of Bangkok and is known for its many bars and clubs. During the day the Kao Shan Road is relatively quiet, but as soon as the sun goes down the clubs and bars open their doors. In the evening life rages on Kao Shan Road. Many young people are on the road and enjoy the nightlife with a cocktail in their hand. To party, Kao Shan Road is one of the best and most popular places in Thailand.

Khao San Road in Thailand

Visit at least one temple

Thailand is famous for its many temples, because after all there are more than 40 000 temples there. Almost everywhere in Thailand you will come across various temples, especially in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Therefore, a temple visit is an absolute must on your trip to Thailand. Temples I have visited in Bangkok and can recommend are: Wat Chanasongkram, Wat Pho and Wat Arun.

Explore Khao Sok Nationalpark

The Khao Sok National Park in southern Thailand is perfect to enjoy the tranquility of nature. Although the park is very well known, there are only few tourists there. The National Park offers a variety of tours and accommodations. If you decide to stay several days in Khao Sok National Park instead of just doing a day trip, then you should definitely stay in Floating Bungalows.
These are bungalows that float directly on the water. In the resort you can not only enjoy the impressive nature of the national park but also go tubing, kayaking or swimming. At night you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the starry sky.

Go snorkeling

In Thailand you have the opportunity to go snorkeling at almost every beach. Especially on the islands there are many beautiful places where it is worth to marvel at the underwater world. In addition to many different fish and starfish, you can also observe and explore a breathtaking reef.

Have a view from Koh Phi Phi View Point

The island of Koh Phi Phi is particularly beautiful and therefore attracts lots of travelers. But even more beautiful is the view that you have from Koh Phi Phi Lookout Point. There are three Lookout Points in total: Viewpoint 1, Viewpoint 2 and Viewpoint 3. To get to the highest Lookout Point, you pass the first two Lookout Points anyway. The path to the last Lookout Point is not far. But due to the many steps and the constant uphill in hot temperatures the path is very strenuous. But the ascent and the sweating are worth it. Because from above you have a breathtaking view of the sea and the island.

View Point Koh Phi Phi

Try a cooking class

Thailand is among others very well known for its delicious Thai food. Especially on the many street markets, which are almost everywhere, you can try a wide variety of dishes. But not only should you buy all the delicious food, but you should also cook it yourself. It is worth taking part in a cooking class and having the locals teach you how to cook a traditional Thai dish.

Cookingclass in Bangkok

Visit the Apichada View Point in Koh Pha-ngan

In Koh Phan-gan there is a really nice and very special lookout point near Ban Tai. There you can enjoy a delicious drink, in a comfortable armchair, on a terrace while having an incredible view over a sea of palm trees as well as over the water.

Lookout Point in Koh Pha-ngan

Spot some Monkeys at Monkey Beach

From the island of Koh Phi Phi you come by boat to the famous Monkey Beach. From the boat you run through turquoise clear water to the beach, where the monkeys already cross your path. Whether on the beach, in the trees or in the bushes, you will come across a lot of monkeys that you can get close to. Be careful though, because monkeys attack the people there again and again.

Visit a Elephant Sanctuary

Very popular for travelers are the Elephant Sanctuaries in Chiang Mai or Phuket. There you will learn a lot about the life of the elephants in Thailand during a walk with the elephants through the sanctuary. In such a sanctuary you can also bathe in the mud with the elephants, help cleaning the elephants, feed the elephants and, of course, take many photos.

Drive with a Tuk Tuk

There are a lot of Tuk Tuks in Thailand, as they are a traditional means of transportation and also part of Thai culture. Especially in Bangkok you will not get around the fact that Tuk Tuk riders will talk to you again and again and want to take you with them. The Tuk Tuks are a lot more expensive compared to a regular taxi. But if you are already in Thailand, you should definitely experience driving a Tuk Tuk.

Tuk Tuk Drive in Bangkok

Explore Maya Bay

Maya Bay is one of the most beautiful beaches on Koh Phi Phi Island. With its turquoise water, white sand and beautiful nature, Maya Bay is one of the most beautiful places I have seen so far.
But why is Maya Bay so famous? Ever since the movie „The Beach“ with Leonardo DiCaprio, the beach has been visited by numerous tourists every day. Due to high tourism, the ecosystem of Maya Bay has been damaged. Which is why the government of Thailand decided to close the beach in June 2018. Since January 2022, the beach has been open to tourists again, but under certain regulations.

Maya Bay in Thailand

Hike the Jungle Trak in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is located in the north of Thailand and therefore no longer on the beach but in the middle of nature. And it’s exactly these that are worth exploring! On a walk through the jungle of Chiang Mai you will have the opportunity to see many different animals, go swimming in waterfalls and let the nature of Thailand affect you.
During your hike you can also spend a night in a camp right by the waterfall. From the locals you will get delicious food cooked there and you can end the evening with a campfire before heading back to the next village the next morning.

Make a river tour in Bangkok

A great way to explore Bangkok inexpensive is on a boat trip over the Chao Phraya River. There you can see different parts of Bangkok from a boat. In addition to houses and various animals on land or in the water, you will also see the great temples such as Wat Arun.

Visit the secret Beach in Koh Phan-gan

The secret beach in Koh Phan-gan is relatively small. But the turquoise clear water and beautiful palm trees will take your breath away. On the beach you can go swimming, lie in the hammock and soak up the sun. As well you can go snorkeling and explore the underwater world.

Enjoy a Thai massage

Whether in a studio in Bangkok or on the beach of Koh Phan-gan, you can get a Thai massage almost anywhere in Thailand. Even if you can get a Thai massage in many other countries, it is still a completely different experience in Thailand. Instead of a traditional massage, you do not lie on a massage table, but on a mat on the floor. This type of massage stimulates your organs and improves your flexibility.