Australia, Travel Guide

20 Things you need to do when you travel to Australia Pt. 2

Australia is a large country that offers travelers a wide variety of adventures. From diving in the largest coral reefs on earth, to camping under a breathtaking starry sky, to discovering exciting animals in the great outdoors.

In this blog article you will find my absolute favorite activities during a trip through Australia, but also the most beautiful places to visit Down Under:

Go on a Roadtrip

The best way to explore Australia is to go on a road trip in a car or camper. Anyone who has a car is very flexible and can travel in their own way and is not dependent on the times of a bus or a flight. With a car you can explore many parts of Australia that you can’t reach with an organized tour or public transport. You also have the flexibility to visit tourist hotspots at times when there are not so many people there.
If you are staying in Australia for a long time, it is worth buying a car or camper. Alternatively, there are also numerous companies that rent out cars and campers for a longer period of time.

Camping Experience in Australia

Go snorkeling in the Ningaloo Reef

The Ningaloo Reef stretches along the coast from Exmouth through Coral Bay down to Carnarvon. The 250 kilometer long coral reef is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and, unlike the Great Barrier Reef, very close to the coast. Therefore, you can easily swim from the beach to the reef.
When diving or snorkeling in the reef you can discover a wide variety of fish and coral species. Of course, you can also search for turtles, rays or other inhabitants of the reef.

Explore Margaret River

One of the most beautiful places in Australia is Margaret River. Margaret River is a few hundred kilometers south of Perth and has so much to offer. The green forests and dense nature around Margaret River in particular serve as spectacular excursion destinations. But the beaches in the surrounding area where you can watch the sunset, swim, surf or kayak are also a very nice destination.

Explore Litchfield National Park

In my opinion, one of the most beautiful national parks in Australia is Litchfield National Park. The national park is located more than 100 kilometers south of Darwin and offers many spectacular waterfalls in addition to numerous hiking trails and breathtaking nature. Wangi Falls and Florence Falls in particular are two of the most beautiful waterfalls in Litchfield National Park. During the day you can swim in the waterfalls or do a walk through the national park and discover the nature and many different animals. At both of these waterfalls there are campsites where it is worthwhile to camp for several days.

Wangi Falls in Litchfield Nationalpark

Watch a sunset

One of the most beautiful places in the world to watch sunsets is Australia. No matter where you are, whether in the city, on the beach or in the middle of the outback, you can watch a spectacular sunset almost every evening in Australia. During your trip through Australia, be sure to take the time to watch a sunset in the evening as often as possible.

Sunset in Sydney

Explore Monkey Mia

For me, Monkey Mia is one of the most beautiful places in Australia. Even though Monkey Mia is not big and consists only of a beach and a caravanpark, there is still a lot to do there. Especially known is Monkey Mia for the many dolphins, who swim there every morning to the beach. Here you can join in feeding the dolphins.
But there are many more animals to see in Monkey Mia: turtles, pelicans or starfish can often be seen from the beach.
After a day at the beach and in the ocean, you can go for a drink in one of the bars in the evening and watch the sunset over the sea.

Get impressed by the Pink Lake at Hutt Lagoon

About 70 kilometers south of Kalbarri is Pink Lake. Although Australia has many pink lakes to offer, Pink Lake at Hutt Lagoon is the best pink lake in Australia.
The reason why the water is so pink is the very high salinity of the water. At high temperatures and strong sunshine, the algae in the lake produce a lot of beta carotene, causing the water to turn pink.
The lake in Hutt Lagoon can be visited all year round. The colours are brightest on a sunny day between 10 am and 2 pm.

Pink Lake on the West Coast of Australia

Spot Australia’s Wildlife

Many different animals are native to Australia: kangaroos, koalas, crocodiles, emus and wombats. All of these animals can be found in zoos or wildlife sanctuaries. But it is much more interesting to go looking for these animals yourself in the outback of Australia. An encounter with a typically Australian animal in the wild is a special moment.

See the Edith Falls

Edith Falls is located about 300 kilometers south of Darwin. There is a parking lot right next to the waterfall, so you don’t have to take a long walk to get to the waterfall. At Edith Falls you can lie on the water and sunbathe or swim in the water. If you want to experience a little more adventure, you can hike to the Edith Fall Upper Pool. This is another waterfall, which is situated a little higher. To get there, you have to hike up a 30 minute walking track. Once you have reached your destination, you can also go for a swim in the water. Personally, I liked the Edith Fall Upper Pool more, because it was a bit smaller and less crowded.

Drive through the Pinnacles Desert

The Pinnacles Desert is located in the Nambung National Park. The pinnacles are limestone formations that are thousands of years old. During the day you have the opportunity to drive in here by car and follow a 4.5 kilometer long loop through the desert. Again and again you have the opportunity to stop to get close to the pinnacles. You can also follow one of the walking trails through the desert.
At the Visitor Center you will not only find souvenirs but also lots of information about the Pinnacles Desert.

Pinnacles Desert on the West Coast of Australia

Explore Karijini National Park

With spectacular nature, a lot of tranquility and far away from the crowds, the Karijini National Park is in my opinion one of the most beautiful national parks in Australia. It is located about 400 kilometers south of Port Hedland in the middle of the outback. There is a lot to see in Karijini National Park, which is why you should plan at least three to five days for your stay here. In addition to numerous gorges, you can also visit one or another waterfall in Karijini National Park.

For a detailed guide to Karijini National Park please read my blogpost The ultimate Guide to Karijini National Park. Coming soon.

Camp in the Outback

One of the best places in the world to experience the camping life is Australia. There are many campsites in Australia, but the most beautiful are still the small campsites in the middle of the nature of the Australian Outback. Only a few people come here, so you can experience the tranquility of nature and the Australian wildlife. In the evening you can sit by the campfire, grill marshmellows and watch the starry sky.

Australia's Outback

Spend some time in Broome

Broome isn’t a big city but definitely has a lot to offer. Broome offers beautiful beaches where you can spend the day, have a barbecue or watch the sunset with a delicious drink. There are opportunities to explore fascinating places rarely visited by tourists, you can look for dinosaur footprints or learn more about Aboriginal culture.


Explore Kalbarri National Park

Kalbarri National Park: A national park that combines the nature of the outback and the sea. Inland there is the Kalbarri Skywalk as well as the Kalbarri Nature Window, for which the national park is known. Here you have a breathtaking view of nature.
Along the coast there are several hiking trails as well as many lookout points where you can admire the various rock formations as well as the views over the Indian Ocean.

Drive Australia’s longest straight Road

The longest straight road lies on the south coast of Australia between Balladonia and Caiguna. This road goes 90 miles (146 kilometers) without a single curve. Many tourists stop for a photo, especially at the signs indicating the start of the 90 Miles Straight Road.

Australia’s longest straight Road

Have a bath in the Mataranka Hot Springs

Not far from the small town of Katherine are the Mataranka Hotsprings. This is a thermal pool located right in the jungle on the Waterhouse River. The water here has a temperature of over 30 degrees Celsius, is crystal clear and shines turquoise in the sunlight. Therefore, the Matarank Hotsprings are the perfect place to relax. During the day a lot of tourists come to the thermal pool. So those who prefer to have the pool all to themselves should visit it in the early morning or late afternoon.

In addition to the Mataranka Hot Springs, there are also the Katherine Hot Springs, which are located directly in Katherine. This is also a thermal pool, in which the water has a temperature of over 30 degrees and which is very suitable for relaxing. In themselves, the two hot springs are not different, which is why it is enough to visit only one of the two thermal pools if you do not have enough time.

Mataranka Hot Springs

Visit Coral Bay

Coral Bay is a small town a few kilometers before Exmouth. Although there are only a few cafes and shops in the village, the nature is more spectacular. There are several beaches where you can go snorkeling in turquoise blue water and admire the Ningaloo Reef. You can also book boat tours where you go out to sea by boat to jump into the water and snorkel in various places.

Collect Shells at Shell Beach

Shell Beach is located just before Monkey Mia in Francois Peron National Park. This is a 40-kilometre stretch of coastline where the beach is made up of millions of white shells. Whether small or large shells, here you can go in search of the most diverse shells and take them home as a souvenir.

Shell Beach on the West Coast of Australia

Visit Cape Range National Park

Cape Range National Park is located at the end of the coast of Ningaloo Reef, near Exmouth. The best way to reach the National Park is from Exmouth. Right at the beginning of the National Park is a Lookout Point, from where you can see an old shipwreck. Only a few kilometers away is a lighthouse high on a mountain. If you climb up to the lighthouse you can enjoy a breathtaking view over the sea and the national park.
In the National Park, you can dive into the water at a variety of beaches and explore Ningaloo Reef. In addition, there is also the occasional walking trail from which you can admire the view over the national park.

Try to find the best Coffee in the world

No matter who you run into early in the morning in Australia, almost everyone will have a coffee cup in their hand. Coffee is actually very popular among Australians. That’s why you’ll find a coffee shop on almost every corner, where the baristas prepare excellent coffee. Try out the different coffee shops in Australia and discover the best coffee for you.

Relax at Eighty Mile Beach

Between the towns of Broome and Port Hedland lies Eighty Mile Beach. Eighty Mile Beach is the longest beach in Western Australia. On the beach you can either enjoy the sun, go fishing, go swimming in the sea or watch the sunset in the evening.

If you would like to collect even more adventures for your Australia bucket list, you can also take a look at my blog article 15 Things you need to do when you travel to Australia.