Destinations, Italy

Amalficoast, Italy

Driving along the coast

The next morning I went back to the ferry in Capri right after breakfast. My next destination of my Italy trip was the Amalficoast. Although I only had to pull my suitcase downhill this time, I was already quite exhausted when I arrived at the taxi stand. The taxi then took me down to the harbour. There I had to ask a few people first, to catch the right ferry.

At ten o’clock I was back in Sorrento. This time I had to pull my suitcase one more kilometre up the mountain to get to the parking garage. Although it was only a slight uphill, which you might not notice as a normal pedestrian, you can feel the climb with a lot of luggage.

Completely sweaty, I finally arrived at the car, relieved that I finally got rid of my luggage.

I headed straight for the Amalficoast. Relatively quickly I also reached the coastal road, from which one had an incredible view over the sea and the amalficoast. Again and again I looked for seats to be able to stop for a few photos. But I was only able to find a reasonable parking space once.


Just after 12 o’clock I was in Atrani, a really small place only 300 meters from Amalfi. Originally I wanted to go to Positano, but accommodations there were much too expensive for me, so I had to move to a suburb.

Welcome to Italy’s smallest municipality

But since I could only check in at 2 pm in my Airbnb, I had to somehow get around two hours. In order not to have to look for the way with the heavy luggage later, I decided to look for the accommodation already. In fact, I found it relatively quickly and the two hours were over very quickly.

First, I wanted to take a close look at my room before I came here with the heavy suitcase. To get there, however, it went up 65 steps. How I was supposed to handle my suitcase, I don’t know.

Since I still had a very large bag with me, I decided to pack everything important for the next three days in it, since without help I would never have gotten the suitcase all the way up the stairs.

Exhausted from the heat and the luggage, I was finally back in my accommodation with everything I needed. Since the beach was less than 100 meters away from me, I decided to lie down there. As soon as I changed, I heard the thunder. Since the sun was still shining and I was really not far away, I decided to ignore it for the first time. But as soon as I arrived at the beach, the sun disappeared and it started to rain.

So I went back to my lodging and waited for the rain to pass. A short time later, this was also the case, but it had cooled down considerably. So I set out again to take a closer look at the place where I was. I ran only a few hundred meters and then realized that Atrani was tiny. So I sat down by the sea.

Atrani on the Amalficoast

Back in the apartment I read in the folder that my landlord had put there, that Atrani is one of the smallest towns in Italy. Not really worth surprising either.

Sweating in the heat

The coming day should be the sunniest day during my stay on the Amalficoast. So I decided to take a look at Positano. First I wanted to go grocery shopping in Amalfi in the morning. According to the weather app it was sunny but not too warm. So I put on jeans and sweaters. After only a short time I regretted it, because it was incredibly hot. In Amafi I did not find a real supermarket but only small shops, which really offered just the most basic.

Without finding anything, I went back to my accommodation and I decided to find something for dinner later.

The complicated way to Positano

Since I wanted to leave for Positano as soon as possible, I researched on the internet where I could park there. According to the reviews, the parking spaces were absolutely overpriced (at least 10€ per hour), you had to hand in your car and keys and did not get it back without scratches and dents. That was the moment when I knew: I never drive to Positano by car! Fortunately, I knew there was a bus going, so I decided to take it.

Arrived at the bus stop I was already confused at the sight of the ticket machine. Besides, it didn’t work anyway. On the opposite side of the street I discovered a shop selling bus tickets. There I bought a ticket for four euros for the round trip.

The next bus was supposed to arrive in only five minutes, but only one bus came to Sorrento and not to Positano. After a long wait I looked at the timetable again, I noticed that the bus to Sorrento was the bus that was going via Positano. So I waited for the next bus.

After a quarter of an hour, it finally came. However, he didn’t stop at my stop but just drove past me.

So I went back to the store where I bought my tickets and asked. There I was told that the bus to Positano was leaving at another stop. The next bus should be here in half an hour.

At 1:30 pm, I was finally on the bus towards Positano. At the bus stop where I got off you could already see over the beach and the village. However, I have to admit that it looks a bit better on the pictures than in real life. I liked the view over Portofino a little bit more.

Good times, tan lines

I looked around Positano a bit, but it was so hot that I decided to go to the beach first. Two hours later, when it started to cool down a bit and the shadow was slowly moving over the beach, I looked around in Positano again, before I headed for the bus stop.

I was there a little early, so there was still a little time until the bus arrived. When the bus didn’t arrive at the specified time, I got a little nervous. With twenty minutes delay the bus finally arrived. The view you had during the drive over the amalficoast is really impressive, but if you are afraid of heights, you are sitting at the window and there is only a small wall between the road and the slope, the ride is not fun. Especially since the road is very narrow, the bus had to turn very far to the right sometimes.

Positano on the Amalficoast

I was more than just relieved when I finally got off the bus in Amalfi. Since I still hadn’t found a supermarket, I went back to the store in Amalfi where I had already been in the morning. After a thorough search of the store, the only dinner I could find was pasta with ketchup.
Meanwhile it was getting dark and I went back to my accommodation with the view over the illuminated Amalfi.

Atrani on the Amalficoast
Tanning at the beach

My last day on the Amalficoast was relatively relaxed. Since it was cloudy in the morning, I went to the beach only a few meters away from my accommodation until noon when the sun finally came through.

After I had gotten tanned there again, I went to Amalfi in the afternoon as soon as the sun disappeared again. There I just looked around a bit but Amalfi is not much bigger than Atrani.

Since this was probably one of my last evenings at the sea, on the beach and at the amalficoast, I went to the beach in Amalfi to enjoy the view over the sea at sunset.

Atrani on the Amalficoast