Australia, Destinations

Australia’s beautiful nature in Noosa – Australia Travel Diary

Since both of my friends were still sick, we spent the morning back at the hostel in Brisbane. At 2 pm our bus came, which brought us to Noosa. There we arrived after a drive of over two hours.

From the bus stop we made our way to the hostel. When we arrived there we first put our suitcases in our room. Then we went to the next supermarket with a girl we already met at the bus stop in Brisbane.

When we got back to the hostel it was already quite late and we prepared our dinner. Afterwards we went to the beach again, even though it was dark and we couldn’t see anything. But we wanted to see the beach before we would make a day trip to the Everglades the next day.

That night we had the room to ourselves, as we had warned our roommate that two of us were sick. Thereupon she changed rooms.

Struggling with the paddles

The next day we had our day trip to the Everglades. At eight o’clock the tour bus picked us up in front of our hostel and we were driven to a small camp. There we got into a boat that would take us to the place where we would start our canoe trip.

We were divided into two groups. The first group should travel a distance by canoe, while the other group would travel by boat and go back the way the first group travels by canoe. Together with my friend I was in the first group and we went straight into the canoe. We thought the paddling would be similar to the Dolphin Kayak we had done in Byron Bay, but it was much more difficult.


We crossed the river while driving from one side of the shore to the other side. The boat left a little later than we did and after a short time it had caught up with us. The other canoeists from our group were already much further along and did much better than we did.

I was then taken out of the canoe by our tour guide and someone who could canoe was put into the canoe. At the first time I thought that we had already done half of the way, but then we took the boat down the river for another half hour. I was a little bit horrified about this, because our tour guide told me that I would paddle the way back with someone else after he had taken me out of the canoe.

Cake, fruits and burning muscles

We arrived much earlier than the canoeists and had a morning tea with cake and melon at a picnic place. Shortly afterwards the canoeists arrived and together with a girl from the group I paddled all the way back.


It took us over an hour to get to the end. I had been sitting in the front of the canoe the whole time, paddling with my right arm, while the girl behind me had been paddling with her left arm all the time. We had changed sides in the meantime, but she didn’t manage to steer properly, so we changed sides again. As a result, every muscle in my right arm ended up hurting. After we had finished the canoe tour completely exhausted, we went back to the camp from where we started with the boat.

Trying to find the kangaroos

There we had lunch in a restaurant. Potatoes, bread, chicken, corn and salad were served.

Our tour guide had told us that there are many kangaroos in the camp. So we also went on a kangaroo search, but unfortunately we could not see any.

After lunch the tour bus took us back to Noosa. When we came back from our tour we first needed a break and rested in the hostel.

In the late afternoon we finally managed to get up and make our way to the beach. The beach was really nice, with the small shops and palm trees in the background.

The beauty of Australia’s Nature

In the morning we all had to sleep in. Then I went with one of my friends through the town of Noosa, while the other girl was in the hostel because she was still sick.

We passed many small shops and restaurants. Noosa is only a small town like Byron Bay, so there is not much to see there.

After lunch we did the Coastal Walk together with a girl from our hostel. The view of the sea and nature was incredibly beautiful. I love these Coastal Walks where you just enjoy the peace and quiet and the view of the sea and can completely switch off for a short time.

Noosa Nationalpark

I have done some of these walks in Sydney, which can be found almost everywhere in Australia. But so far I find the Coast Walk in Noosa the most beautiful.

We also went to the Fairy Pools, but we did not go in, as it was too dangerous due to the waves. We sat at these pools for quite a while and looked silently at the sea and just enjoyed the moment. Back we did not walk the Coastal Walk but through the National Park. There weren’t any tourists there, so it was really quiet and we only heard the animals and in the distance the sound of the sea. We could even see a small koala sitting at the top of the tree.

We used our last day in Noosa to walk the Coastal Walk once again. On this day it was also not as cloudy as the day before, so the colours of the sea were much more intense.

We walked the same way again, stopped at the Fairy Pools and walked through the National Park back to the hostel.

Fairy Pools

There we had to wait some time before we headed for the bus in the afternoon, which took us to Rainbow Beach. In Rainbow beach we went on a three days trip to Fraser Island. If you would like to know what we experienced during our time on Fraser Island. Please read my next blogpost Exploring the biggest sand island in the world Fraser Island – Australia Travel Diary.