Destinations, Thailand

Beautiful Sunsets and Fullmoon Partys in Ko Pha-ngan – Thailand Travel Diary

Off to Ko Pha-ngan

After we were back ashore by boat from the Khao Sok National Park, we went straight on with the minibus. It took us about two hours to get to the ferry that was supposed to take us to Ko Pha-ngan. With the ferry we finally went over to the island. The trip over the water took another two hours. Fortunately, the cabin we sat in was air-conditioned.

Arrived on Ko Pha-ngan, we took the next bus, which took us to our accommodation. The resort where we stayed for the next four nights was beautiful. We had a pool under palm trees, right on the beach. The view of the sea was just great. Also the bungalows were really nice. There was also a yoga cabin, a gym and a bar with really good food and cocktails.

The rest of the afternoon we spent in the resort in the pool and on the beach. Towards evening we bought all new T-shirts, because we went to a beach party in the evening, for which we painted ourselves with luminous colours. Since no one had clothes with them that they wanted to ruin with the colour, we all needed new t-shirts.

Let the Party get started

At 7 pm we met at the bar for dinner. We then painted our arms and legs with the paint. Each of us got one arm beautifully designed by someone else, while the other arm was decorated with dirty sayings.

As soon as we were all painted we went by taxi to the beach party. The atmosphere at the party was very good, although apart from our group there were not many other people there. There was also a fire show. At 12 o’clock we went by taxi back to the hotel, because the club had to close at that time due to Corona.

Relaxing in the resort

Our next day was a day off for us. At first we all slept out, as the last few days were a bit exhausting. At 11 o’clock I went to the gym. After an hour I had to stop, because it was just too hot. After all, there was no air conditioning at 30 degrees. But the gym had all the equipment and weights I needed. After that I went to take a shower and then to lunch. Since I had not had breakfast, I ordered a smoothiebowl, which was really delicious.

The afternoon I and many others then spent at the beach and the pool. When the sun finally set we were able to take really nice pictures of ourselves on the beach.

Trying Thailand’s street food

In the evening we went to a food market. We first went there by taxi. The market was not very large, but one stand was close to the next. There you could then choose what you want to eat and the relatively cheap. Right next to the market was a small hut, where tables and chairs were set up, where you could finally eat your food. The food there was really very good.

Afterwards we strolled a bit through the nearby shops until we finally landed in an Irish bar. There we were not very long, because at 10 o’clock our taxi drove back to the resort.

Exploring Ko Pha-ngan

The next day on Ko Pha-ngan was quite packed, but also one of the best days I had so far. Before we went by taxi to our first stop at Secret Beach at 10 am, I spent another hour in the gym in the morning. At Secret Beach we spent our time in warm turquoise water under palm trees.

Finally, we went to a snorkeling spot, which was not far from Secret Beach. The snorkel spot was a little hidden in a restaurant. To get there we went through a path of palm trees and trees, which was extremely beautiful. The many fish that we finally saw in the water could also be seen outside the water.

Secret Beach

After the snorkeling we went by taxi to the nearest beach. We had lunch there first. Our tour leader had prepared rice, spring rolls, chicken and fruit for us. Right after dinner we went down to the beach and then jumped directly into the water. That’s where many of us, including myself, got sunburned.

Enjoying the view over Ko Pha-ngan

It was already half past four in the afternoon. Our last stop for the day was a vantage point. There we went by taxi again. Since the taxis here are only jeeps, in which we sit unsecured under the open sky in the back, we had to hold ourselves between time really well, because it went very steep uphill. The best thing we could do in those moments was not to look back, otherwise we would have had a heart attack haha

At the top we had one of the most beautiful views I have seen so far. All around us were palm trees and in the distance you could also see the water. I think I’ve never seen so many palm trees at once.

Ko Pha-ngan

About an hour we spent in this quiet place until we finally took the taxi back to the hotel. At six o’clock we were then burned by the sun and exhausted from the long day back to the hotel. There we all quickly showered and got ready, because at 7 o’clock we met again in the yoga hut.

There we looked at some pictures of the past days together. Our tour leader has also presented us other tours, which you can book with Intro Travel.

BBQ by the beach

Afterwards we went to dinner. That evening we were served a buffet right on the beach. There we could taste different salads, breads and meat. After dinner we sat down at the bar and played different games. Again, these were games where we had to figure out how they work in the course of the game. All these games can really get on your nerves over time if you don’t figure it out (like me).

Trying something new

Fortunately, our next day was not as crowded as the previous one. This was also our last day on Kho Pha-ngan.

On that day we had the choice whether we wanted to take part in a yoga class or a Muay Thai Boxing Class. Since I can do yoga anywhere in the world I decided for the Muay Thai Boxing Class. The training there was quite interesting and also a lot of fun.

Enjoying the last day on Koh Phangan

At half past one we were back from the studio to the hotel. Most of us had lunch there, including me.

Since we had the rest of the day free we lay in the afternoon only on the water and played volleyball in the pool.

Late in the afternoon I was back in the room and actually wanted to take a shower. However, the water did not work at all. Already in the last few days not much water came from the shower head and for some of us the water turned  completely out.

Fortunately, an hour later, water came from the tap above the sink again. But ly a few drops from the shower head. With these few drops I finally tried to take a shower. Finally I had to wash my hair over the sink (welcome to the life of a Backpacker).

One more Party on the island

In the evening we met at the bar and got back into the taxi a short time later to eat. We finally had dinner in a really fancy restaurant. We couldn’t choose our seats there, because we had already ordered our food in the afternoon and the waiters had therefore assigned a number to each of us, so they don’t get confused when paying. That was a bit annoying, but since everyone gets along well with everyone, that was fine.

On that evening we had to say goodbye to the first, because a few of us had booked only the 9 days tour.

After dinner we went on to a beach party. We were at the same party as three days before. Since the party was almost a copy of the last party with the games being played and the music being played, the evening was a bit boring for me.

Around 11 o’clock we left the party and drove back to our hotel. Finally we had to be at the taxi the next morning at 7 o’clock with packed things, because we had a long trip to the island of Koh Phi Phi.

If you would like to know what I experienced during my time in Koh Phi Phi. Please read my next blog post The famous spots in Koh Phi Phi – Thailand Travel Diary.

Secret Beach