Destinations, Italy

Capri, Italy

Back at the sea

At eight o’clock I had packed, checked out of the hostel in Rome and made my way back to the train station to go to Capri. From the train station I headed back to Lido di Ostia, where I had parked my car.

On the train I noticed, of course, that I had forgotten my things from the fridge in the hostel. However, it was only a yogurt and a cracked pack of salami, so it was not too bad.

After an hour train ride I had finally arrived back in Lido di Ostia. I was more than happy to finally put away my heavy luggage.

So I went straight to the road and realized that I had planned far too much time for the trip. At 2 pm I finally arrived in Sorrento after a long traffic jam. But my ferry to Capri should not leave until 4.45 pm.

The parking garage in which I originally wanted to park was unfortunately already full. So I had to find another parking garage. Not far away I even found a parking garage. There you had to hand in the key and the car was parked for one. Since I had never done anything like this before, I was a little sceptical at first. However, I had my car parked there.

From the parking garage I walked to the harbour. To get down to the harbour I had to go down a staircase and a very steep mountain. Fortunately, I noticed an elevator that could be used to go down. There, however, you actually had to pay one euro for a trip, which I personally find a little ridiculous. But packed with a heavy suitcase, you pay the one euro.

Welcome to Capri

After a small search I finally found the place where my ferry would leave. There were not many people on the ferry but I met a couple from the united states who was about 10 years older than me, with whom I talked during the trip.

Arrived in Capri I took a taxi to take me to my hotel. But my hotel was not reachable by car, so the taxi driver had to let me out about 800 meters beforehand.

From there I had to walk up the narrow alley with my heavy luggage. Only 50 meters before my destination I noticed the shuttle that would bring the luggage for one to the hotel, so you didn’t have to drag it up the mountain. Although I was sweaty and every one of my bones seemed to hurt, I had saved 11 euros for the shuttle.


The hotel was really great and for Capri also really cheap. My room was small, but I had my own terrace from which I had a wonderful view over the island and the sea.

Exploring the island

The next morning I went to breakfast first. At the hotel I got a complimentary breakfast every morning, consisting of a buffet of fruit, yogurt, bread, eggs, cereal and cakes.

Since it was quite cloudy that day I wanted to use the day to explore the island. First I went to the centre of Capri, where I strolled past the many small shops and restaurants.

After that I made my way to the Natural Arch. An arch-shaped rock right by the sea. From high up you could admire the beautiful turquoise water, despite the cloudy sky. From the Natural Arch a staircase led down to a grotto. Of course I wanted to see them and ran down the countless steps. The cave was just a cave in the middle of the rock.

Hoping to land right on the water, I made my way down the other stairs. However, I quickly realized that this was only a path through the woods towards Capri. So I went up all the stairs again.

At first I went back to the hotel, before I went back to the Faraglioni in the late afternoon. From the top you have a great view over the sea, the sunset and the famous Faraglioni rock.

From there also a path led further down and this time I actually landed right on the water. The way back all the steps after I had been running all day anyway was really exhausting again.

Sailing around the island

The next morning I was already awake at seven o’clock because it was going to be the sunniest day during my time on Capri.

At half past nine I was already at the Natural Arch to see it once in the sunshine. Since there were no tourists there at that time, I could enjoy the view over the nature in peace.

Natural Arch

First I went back to the hotel for breakfast, before I went to the harbour. From there I had booked a boat tour, where we would go around the island and enter the famous blue grotto.

The view we had during the boat trip was just incredible. The captain stopped a few times to tell us something about the island or to take pictures. What fascinated me most was the blue of the water.

The blue grotto of Capri

When we finally reached the blue grotto, the captain explained that the waiting time for the entrance to the grotto was certainly one hour, since several boats were already waiting in front of the island. So we went back by boat to the harbour, from where people who wanted to visit the blue grotto could change to another boat, which went straight to the cave.


Since I didn’t care about the waiting time and wanted to see the grotto, I went on the boat with a few other people. In fact, we waited about three quarters of an hour before being picked up by small paddle boats from the boat to enter the blue cave. First we passed a boat on which you had to pay the entrance fee and then we went into the cave.

Since I had read on the internet that the visit to the Blue Grotto would not be worthwhile, I was a little sceptical. As soon as we were inside the cave, it was only black around me and I thought the entrance was not really worth it.

However, the sun shines into the tunnel, so that from there the water turns blue. In fact, the entrance is worth it, because to admire the cave is really special. In the cave we made a small tour, which lasted three minutes and then we went back to the boat.

Finally arrived at the port, I took the bus back to the centre of Capri. Normally I like to walk, but I really didn’t want to do the steep climb with over 25 degrees in the sun after a long morning.

Relatively quickly I was back in the hotel and laid down on the terrace to relax a bit. Later I went back to the Faraglione to watch the sunset.

Beach day on Capri

On my last day on Capri, I just wanted to relax. After a big breakfast I made my way to the Natural Arch only around noon. Since I shot there some pictures I had to go back to the hotel first to charge the battery of my phone. In the meantime, I lay down in the sun with my book on the terrace.

Since I didn’t want to have been in Italy without at least having been in the sea, I set out for Marina Piccola at about half past four. The path was easy to find and of course also easy to master, as it was going downhill all the time. I was aware that I would have to run uphill again later.

The beach consisted of a small pebble cliff right on the turquoise water in which you could also swim. I just ran through the water with my feet and then sat down with my book on a wall, because I had forgotten my towel.


Relatively quickly, the sun disappeared behind the big rock, so it became a tiny bit fresh. Most of the bathers then made their way home.

Finally, I also fought my way up the mountain to the centre of Capri. In fact, I had to admit that I had imagined the way uphill worse but maybe I just got very fit because of the lot of running the last few days haha.

I spent the evening relaxing again and then the suitcase had to be packed again.