
If you are looking to collaborate with a travel blog, I am here to help you.

I am looking forward to hear from you and a successful cooperation. Send me an email along with the ideas for your collaboration and I will contact you as soon as possible.

About my blog

The travel blog Carina Goes Global was created in August 2019 when I started my first big journey.
Ever since I was a child, I dreamed of traveling the world one day. When I finished school in 2019, I decided to travel to Australia after graduating. Since I have always loved to write, I decided to record my experiences in a blog.
Over time I realized how much fun I have writing and building this blog. In the meantime, I not only report on my experiences but also try to help other travelers to plan their trip and give them my tips along the way.

Interested in a cooperation

My goal with this blog is to help other travelers to plan their own adventure. I am showing my readers how easy traveling can be by giving them tips based on my own experience.

I like to refer to hotels & accommodations, activities and other offers for travelers. Honest and authentic reporting is my top priority.

In case of cooperation I offer:

  • Individual contributions
  • Recommendations
  • Links
  • Post sharing
  • to create photos for your site
  • to create custom texts for your site

Prerequisite for cooperation

I only work with companies whose product I personally like and also fits my blog.

Identification of cooperations

When it comes to advertising, I comply with the statutory labeling requirements. Cooperations are always clearly marked.


If you are interested in a cooperation send me your message below and I will contact you as soon as possible.

Contact Form Demo (#3)