Australia, Destinations

Driving along the beautiful coast of the Great Ocean Road – Australia Travel Diary

Hiking with the animals

At 6 o’clock in the morning after breakfast and after we had checked out of the hostel we all sat totally overtired in the bus again, waiting to start our trip towards the Great Ocean Road.

First the journey continued through the Grampians. After two hours we stopped at our first stop, an active volcano. There we did a little hike to see the Australian animals in the wild.

The Grampians

We saw around five koalas, some wallabies and emus. We could also see an emu of us running away and it was quite funny to watch these animals running.

It was still quite cloudy that morning and until then I had the feeling that I would only see the highlights of the Great Ocean Road in bad weather.

After our little morning hike we headed for the ocean to the Great Ocean Road. In the meantime the sun finally came out and all clouds had disappeared. So we could still see everything in good weather.

A dream comes true

Our first stop on the was London Bridge. On the way there, our tour guide explained us that some years ago, there were once two archs. But a huge stone broke out at some point, so that now it is only one arch.

After we all had admired the London Bridge, we stopped in a small town at the ocean before continuing our sightseeing tour. There we first had lunch.

After that it finally came to the most interesting part of the tour. First we stopped at Loch Ard Gorge. It looks like a little bay there. You could swim in the water there, the beach there is very nice. And the two rocks on the side through which the water comes into the bay are really great.

Before we went on we stopped at a Lookout Point, where we had a beautiful view over the sea, the coast, London Bridge and Loch Ard Gorge.

Then we went on to the famous Twelve Apostles (there are only 8 not 12). Although the highlight of the Great Ocean Road for many is the Twelve Apostles, I still found Loch Ard Gorge much nicer.

Twelve Apostles

After we had visited most of the highlights, we drove along the Great Ocean Road. I was very tired. But I wanted to stay awake to see as much as possible of the Great Ocean Road. Unfortunately I fell asleep for a short time.

Ending the Roadtrip in the rain

We stopped in the afternoon for a short break to stretch our legs in a small town. The last part of the Great Ocean Road we could only see in clouds and rain so I was happy that at least the sun was shining when we were exploring the Highlights of the Great Ocean Road.

We stopped in the afternoon for a short break to stretch our legs in a small town.

Our last stop was then the gate to the Great Ocean Road. Since we had started the tour from Adelaide, we came from the other side and saw the beginning of the Road at the end.

Great Ocean Road Gate

Then it was already late in the afternoon and it was time for us to go to Melbourne. In the meantime the sun came out again and the weather got better as soon as we arrived in Melbourne.

If you would like to know what I experienced during my time in Melbourne, please read my next blogpost Spending my last days in Australia in Melbourne – Australia Travel Diary.