Australia, Destinations

Exploring the city of Perth – Australia Travel Diary

Accepting the backpacking life

My plane landed late in the evening in Perth so I checked in to the hostel around midnight.

The next morning I slept a little longer. I hadn’t seen much of the hostel the night before but I knew by then that it was one of the best hostels I’d ever been to. The rooms were relatively big and also very clean. The bed was also very comfortable. Luckily, after a long time, I had a bed downstairs again and did not have to climb up the ladder every time to get into my bed for a week.

25 000 steps through Perth

In the morning I first went grocery shopping, because I had absolutely nothing to eat with me.

Elizabeth Quay

After I had breakfast, I went to the city to explore it. But before I could really start, I had to buy new sunglasses, because I had lost mine. After I had found a pair of sunglasses, which were not too expensive and which I found nice, I could finally go.

First, I walked to the Fraser Avenue lookout. From there I had a great view over the skyline of Perth. I had seen this lookout on pictures several times before and always connected it with Perth.

Fraser Avenue Lookout

Since I always wanted to go to Perth and had also considered going there as an au pair, it was clear to me that I would go there first. There I enjoyed the great view over the city.

From there I walked to Kings Park and Botanic Garden, which was close to the Fraser Avenue Lookout.

I walked through the whole garden before I came out on the other side. From there it was not far to the famous Blue Boat House. It took me a while until I could finally take some pictures of the house as it is very popular for tourists.

Blue Boat House

Before I made my way back, I walked alongside the water at the promenade. Then I walked back the same way through the botanical garden.

At the Fraser Avenue Lookout I stopped for a short while and had another look at the view.

Meanwhile it was already afternoon and my feet ached from all the walking. So I made my way back to the hostel. There I found out that I walked 25000 steps and 16 kilometres that day. I was pretty tired, so I went to bed right after dinner.

Continue to explore Perth

The next morning I woke up early because I went to bed so early the night before. Since I had quite a lot of time in Perth, I didn’t leave until around 12 o’clock.

Elizabeth Quay

First I walked to Elizabeth Quay, which was not far from my hostel. From Elizabeth Quay I walked along the promenade by the water. The path along there was really beautiful.

On one side the water, around me a lot of palm trees and in the background I could see the skyscrapers of the city.

Along there I walked to Queens Garden. This one is not very interesting, but you can have a look at it if you have enough time in Perth.

From there I walked back the same way at the promenade even if it was a small detour but I found the way really nice. Then I made a little side trip through the Stirling Garden and went back to the hostel. I was back very early but I had to wash my clothes anyway.

Cottesloe Beach at day and night

I wanted to use my third day in Perth to go to the beach. I had bought a bus day ticket, as I did not know yet what I wanted to do that day and so I wanted to keep the possibility open to take the bus as much as possible.

So I drove from Elizabeth Quay to Cottesloe Beach. The beach was very nice. The colours of the water were turquoise/blue. In itself the beach looked like any other beach in Australia.

Only the colours of the water were much more beautiful than on the east coast. I relaxed at the beach and read a book. I also went for a walk on the beach and after a few hours I started my way back.

In the hostel I rested a little bit and then went back to Cottesloe Beach in the late afternoon to watch the sunset over the sea.

Beach in Perth

It was the first time I could watch a nice sunset over the sea without it being cloudy. It was really, really nice. Then I drove back to the city and before I went back to the hostel I went to Elizabeth Quay to have a look at it at night. It was really great illuminated in different colours.

Elizabeth Quay
And what am I going to do now?

Since I had already seen and done everything in Perth in my first three days, I didn’t really know what to do on my last two days in the city.

So I spent the morning in the hostel and then in the afternoon I wanted to go out and walk a little through the shopping mall and the city. But after one hour I went back to the hostel because it was unbearably hot with 43 degrees outside. There it was much better to be in the air-conditioned hostel room.

My last day in Perth and I still wasn’t any smarter about what I could do in the city. But in the morning I had the idea that I could walk to the Fraser Avenue Lookout again, because I liked it there so much. Since it was still quite warm, I decided to go there in the evening and watch the sunset over the city from there. It was nice to see the sky over the city change the colours, but the sunset over the ocean was much more beautiful.

The next day I flew from Perth to Adelaide. If you would like to know what I experienced during my time in Adelaide, please read my next blogpost Sightseeing in Adelaide – Australia Travel Diary.

Fraser Avenue Lookout