Destinations, New Zealand

Hiking adventures on New Zealand’s north island – New Zealand Travel Diary

Fffffffffiiiiiiiiinnnnnaaaalllllllyyyy!! New Zealand! After 6 exciting months in Australia it was time for me to leave the country. Australia was pretty exciting but I was looking forward to see something different from Australia.


My plane from Melbourne to Auckland left in the evening at 23.45 o’clock. Through a travel agency I had booked a 17-day tour through New Zealand with the Kiwi Bus, which goes once through the whole Country.

I had already arrived in Auckland two days before the New Zealand tour started and so I had time to visit the city over the weekend. Auckland is not really interesting. In addition, New Zealand and Australia are also quite similar. In Auckland I visited the Skytower, walked through Queen Street, was in Albert Park, Aotea Square and the harbour.


The evening before the tour started we had a meeting where we could ask questions about the next two weeks and introduce ourselves to each other.

Hot Water Beach

As the meeting point for the tour was a different hostel than mine, I had to make my way to the meeting point in the morning. The hostel was not far away from mine but I had to pull my two suitcases and besides it was constantly going uphill. When I finally arrived at the hostel where the tour started I was already pretty exhausted and it was not even 8 o’clock in the morning. Before we started we all got a bagel for breakfast. Getting out of Auckland was a real challenge, as there was a lot of traffic, something I’m not used to anymore from Australia.

At 12 o’clock we took our first break. In a small village at a lake we had a stay of half an hour, where we could eat something. Then we went on to our accommodation for the following night. But before we arrived there we stopped at a Lookout Point from where we had an incredible view over the sea and nature. Once we arrived at our accommodation, we only settled real quick before we went to the Hot Water Beach.

To the Hot Water Beach it was still a little bit to walk through the forest. At the beach I noticed directly that here in New Zealand there is already a difference to the Australian beaches.

On the beach we were able to dig holes in the sand with shovels at certain places, where we came across hot water. At the beginning I could not imagine that this would work when only a few meters further on is the freezing cold sea water.

New Zealand

When we finally found a place after a little search, we noticed that the water is not hot, but boiling hot, so that you could burn yourself.

We then dug a hole with hot water and one near the sea with cold water. We then connected the two holes together so that the hot water flows into the hole with the cold one. So we had a hole with a very pleasant temperature.

In the afternoon we had the possibility to either take a kayak tour to Cathedral Cove or to walk there. Since the kayak tour was not included in the tour price and I have kayaked before anyway, I decided to walk with most of the group to Cathedral Cove.

We had a breathtaking view over the sea and nature on the way there. In the beginning the way went downhill quite steeply and I and the others already know that we also had to walk the whole way up again. Most of the time it was either downhill or uphill. There were barely any flat stretches on the 30 minute walk to Cathedral Cove.

Once there we had an incredible view over the water. The rocks, through which we could also walk, made everything special.

In the bay there we spent the afternoon at the water and on the beach and rested before we took the hilly way back to the bus. In fact, it was not quite as strenuous as expected. But we were also lucky that it was not too warm and that the wind blew, so that we did not sweat.

When we all arrived upstairs and were sitting in the bus again, we went back to our resort in Hot Water Beach. From then on we had the day off, as the tour was finished for today. So we then had the possibility to do what we wanted. Since it was already 6 o’clock in the evening most of us decided to have dinner and then sleep.


In the morning we went straight on after breakfast. By bus we drove through the countryside and then stopped in Karangahake George for a short hike. There we walked through the mountains along a river through an old mine. Sometimes we had to go through dark tunnels where we would not have seen anything without a flashlight.

New Zealand

After our hike we continued our trip to Waitomo. On the way there we stopped for a lunch break in a small village. From there we went on to Waitomo. When we arrived there at three o’clock in the afternoon we first drove to a farm that belongs to the family of our tour guide. There we could learn about the locals, the Mãori of New Zealand and we were shown how they live on the property.

New Zealand

Then we went on to our accommodation for the following night. We didn’t have much time there, because shortly after we went on to the Glow Worm Caves. There we were first guided through a stalactite cave and then we could finally see the glow-worms.

With a boat we drove far below the ground over the dark water through the cave and could see the glow-worms on the ceiling, glowing in blue. It was really nice to watch, but it looks much more spectacular on the pictures on the internet.

When we came out of the cave the tour was already over. From there we walked the 10 minute way back to the hostel and then we had the rest of the day off.

Hobbiton Movieset

This morning we all arrived at the meeting point on time although our tour bus hadn’t arrived yet, because we were going to the Movieset from the Hobbiton movie and we all didn’t want to miss the tour. But a few minutes later our tour guide was there and we went for breakfast.

After breakfast we started directly. Without a stopover we drove straight through to Hobbiton. The tour was not included in the New Zealand tour price, so we had to pay extra for the tour. Most of us have done the tour as well, after all almost everybody knows the films.

First we were driven to the Movieset with a Hobbiton Bus. Meanwhile, scenes from the film were played on a television set on the bus. After a few minutes we arrived at the set. Our tour guide led us along all the small Hobbit houses. In addition we got many interesting things explained, how long it takes to build such a house only for the fact that you see it 5 seconds in the film, that not all trees are real or also that the colour of the leaves on the tree was not right and that 10 people had to re-colour the leaves for four days.

Seeing the set was quite exciting and thrilling and nobody could stop taking pictures. In the end I had hundreds of photos of all the colourful doors of the Hobbit houses that all looked the same anyway.

At the end of our two-hour tour we got a drink in a hut before the tour was over. After the tour we had a small lunch break before we started our way to Rotorua.

Arrived there we checked in directly into the hostel. From then on we had the afternoon off, as the following day would be very exhausting.

With a boy from my group I explored the place a bit. Except for a park with mud pools where the water boils and the steam rises, there is not much to see. These mud pools are quite interesting but unfortunately they stink a lot. Generally the whole place does not smell good at all. At the end of the evening we had the feeling that the strong smell was already sticking in our nostrils.

New Zealand
Tamaki Mãori Village

The next morning we were all ready for departure at 10 am in front of our hostel. From then on we had a program for the next 10 hours, with only a few breaks. In the morning we had the opportunity to decide between different activities we could do in Rotorua. Together with most of the people of my group I decided to join a Kiwi Sanctuary Tour.

We learned a lot about the famous animals in New Zealand, the kiwis. They told us how the birth and preplanting is done and much more. We could also see kiwis but only behind a pane of glass in the dark.

After the tour through the Kiwi Sanctuary we went to the redwoods, through which we did a one hour hike. In the beginning it was quite steep uphill, because we wanted to get to a Lookout Point. There we had a nice view over the forest and over a lake. From there it went fortunately only downhill, but it was still a little way to the bus. Arriving there we had to hurry, because we were already late.

From the redwoods we made our way to Te Puia. There we took a guided tour and got an insight into the life of the Mãori people. We could observe how they carve their figures, weave or make ribbons from leaves.

At the end of our tour our guide cooked us eggs in one of the mud pools. It works the same way as cooking eggs on the stove. You have to hold them in a bag in the boiling water for 6 minutes. In the end these eggs tasted as if they were cooked on a stove. After our guided tour the most exciting part of our day began, because we went to Tamaki to a Mãori Village.

New Zealand

First we were welcomed by our Guide of the day. Already a few days before we had to appoint a ‘chief’ in the bus who thanked the Mãori on our behalf. We also learned a New Zealand Mãori song, which we sang after we had a song sung by the Mãori.

We could have just sung an English song, but as the Mãori song was not long, we decided to learn a Mãori song from our tour guide.

Song: Te aroha / Te whakapono / Me te rangimarie / Tatou tatou e Hi!

After the welcome we all gathered in the dining room and there we had an afternoontea with cake, cookies and coffee.

Before we moved into our rooms, we learned another Mãori song, which we should introduce to all the visitors in the evening.

Right after that we moved into our room. That night we all stayed together in an eighteen bed room. In a very short time we had to pack a small bag with our things for the night, as we were not allowed to have our big luggage in the room. It’s not so easy when you change accommodation every night to have a system of how to pack best. And then to completely repack for one night can be a bit overwhelming. We were also not allowed to wear shoes in the room. After we had all packed for one night in a short time, the program went on.

First we played two games. At the first game we all had a stick in our hands and stood in a circle. Then we were told very quickly on Mãori language whether we should go right/left or turn 180 degrees. We always had to pick up our neighbor’s stick. When the stick fell, we were out.

At the second game we were all in a circle again. We either had to clap to the left and say hi! or clap right and say ha! When it came to you, you could decide for yourself whether you wanted to say Ha! or hi! to the side. The whole thing can get pretty confusing pretty quickly. There, too, you could drop out as soon as you did something wrong.

After our games we were welcomed by the rest of the Mãoris who live there. Meanwhile we were not allowed to laugh, as the welcome is a formal thing.

I was a little shocked at first when we were greeted by the men with loud roars, sticks, eyes wide open and tongues stuck out. I wondered where I ended up here and if that is the first impression you have of a person, it can be quite intimidating. In the end, however, it turned out that they were all very nice and that this kind of greeting simply belongs to their New Zealand culture.

Afterwards we were introduced to the New Zealand culture at different small houses. We were shown what they make from leaves, played another round of one of the games, learned a little more about the culture, the men learned part of the greeting and we were taught a short dance by the women.

New Zealand

Afterwards we all gathered in a big hut where the Mãori people danced and sang for us.

Afterwards we all gathered again for dinner in the dining room. There was a buffet with potatoes, salads, meat, seafood and bread. For dessert  there was cake and fruit.

After everyone was filled with good food, our group performed the Mãori Song that we had learned in the afternoon. There were about 100 people present.

Song: Kia Mau! / Hi! / Timata! / A Haka Mana Para Tawa Nga Wha / E Heke Mene Pere Tewe Nge Whe / I Hiki Mini Piri Tiwi Ngi Whi / O Hoko Mono Poro Towo Ngo Who / A E I O U / U Huku Munu Puru Tuwu Ngu Whu / Hi Aue Aue! / Hi!

After dinner the program for the day was over. It was very interesting to learn more about the culture of the locals. This is something that you don’t experience by exploring the country on your own and not doing a tour. Therefore I am very glad that I took part in this tour.


In the morning, after breakfast, we left Tamaki Mãori Village and headed towards Taupo.

First we stopped again at one of these mud pools, where it didn’t smell a bit better than in Rotorua. After a short stay there we went on to the Huka Falls. So far, these are some of the most beautiful things I have seen in the nature of New Zealand.

The water is beautifully blue and the view of the nature is also really great. There we did a little hike upstream, which fortunately was not exhausting. Our destination was the Natural Spa Pools, which were located directly at the river.

Huka Falls

There we had the possibility to go into the water. After an one hour stay there we went to our accommodation in Taupo. On our next day we spent the whole day in Taupo. We had the day off, so no program and could decide for ourselves what we would do. Together with three others from my tour group we shared the cost of the taxi to Mount Tauhara and hiked up it. We took off right at nine in the morning. The first one and a half hours we went constantly over roots and stones up the mountain, which was quite exhausting. After some time we got used to the constant running uphill and it became a little bit more bearable. When we finally reached the top we had a great view over the landscape, Taupo and Lake Taupo.


Luckily it was cloudy and at this time of the day quite cool, so that we at least did not sweat while hiking. After a break at the top where we enjoyed the view and took a lot of pictures, we went back to the valley.

I thought going down the whole distance would be easier, but it was quite dangerous as we kept slipping on the slippery forest floor. Luckily there were many trees and roots to hold on to. After an hour and a half we arrived back downstairs and we called a taxi back to the hostel. There we spent the afternoon and all of us took a nap, as we were all quite exhausted from the hike.

Taupo in New Zealand

In the evening we all had a BBQ together at our hostel, as it was our last evening together, as some of us only travelled the North Island and would leave us the next day. With wine, cheese and a lot of good food we ended the evening at sunset.

After we all filled our bellies and in the end we were all fed up, we walked to Lake Taupo in the dark. There we took a lot of pictures in front of the Lake Taupo Sign, which lights at night.

Taupo in New Zealand

On our last day on the North Island we had a long bus ride ahead of us. Early in the morning we stowed all our stuff in the bus and headed south. During the several hours of driving we made a few stops for photos and breaks.

New Zealand

Unfortunately, we did not make much progress in the afternoon because we got stuck in traffic. So we arrived in Wellington in the afternoon and had hardly any time left to see the city.

With a few others I went to the National Museum of Wellington. We didn’t have much time left because it would close soon, so we couldn’t watch everything in peace. The museum is also quite big, so we did not manage to see all floors.

After we left the museum I walked up Mount Victoria with a woman from my tour. After our hike the day before we both agreed that this little hike was quite harmless.

It was quite nice to see the view from up there and also to take part in some of the activities in Wellington instead of sitting in the hostel. But Wellington is not really beautiful, what we could see from above. But we could only see from above how big the city really is.

The way back into the city was relatively fast. Since it was already evening and we had to get up early in the morning, we went back to our hostel and prepared our dinner.

The next day we took the ferry to the South Island. If you would like to know what I experienced during my time on the South Island of New Zealand, please read my next blogpost Exploring the South Island of New Zealand – New Zealand Travel Diary.