Travel Tips

How to stay fit while traveling

Before I travelled for the first time, I did a lot of sports. I went swimming regularly and worked out six days a week at home. Although I had planned to continue exercising and stay fit during my trip. But as it is, when life suddenly turns 180 degrees, I didn’t have much time for sports or I often lacked motivation.

After four months of not doing any sports and realizing that I was not as fit as I was in Germany, I decided to start doing sports again.

Here I have summarized my tips to stay fit during travelling the world:

Do water sports

If you are at the beach then there is the possibility to try out many new water sports. For example, you can learn to surf, go kayaking or try countless other water sports. Not only do you stay fit, but you also try out new things. Plus, this is also a great opportunity to meet new people.

Rent a bike

Some hostels offer to rent bikes for free. You are not dependent on the bus but can explore the surroundings on your own. In addition, you are much more flexible with the bike. If you’re with the bike, you can just stop and go whenever you want. So you don’t need to worry about bus times.

Do Workouts

One of the most effective ways to stay fit is to do workouts, which you can find on YouTube. Between short 5-minute workouts and a longer workouts, everything is included. In addition, you do not need equipment for such a workout in most cases and it’s free. I know that when you share a room with strangers, you don’t always have the peace to do a workout. But I’ve learned that most people don’t mind or care if you just do some exercise in the room. Nobody says anything, and when someone actually drops a comment, it’s motivating comments. At best, you can even motivate people to participate.

Take part in a fitness bootcamp

If doing a workout alone is not for you, many hostels also offer sports activities. For example, a boot camp on the beach. Of course it is much more strenuous than training on your own but with the view of the sea and in a big group of people it can be much more fun.

Go on foot instead of driving by bus

It not only saves money, but also keeps you fit when you walk instead of taking the bus. Of course, you don’t have to do a 15 kilometer track on foot, but two or three kilometers can be done quickly in 30-45 minutes. In this way you can also let the environment affect you much better than if you rush past everything by bus.

Take the stairs

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator is another way to stay fit. These options are available at the train station, in the shopping centre or in the hostel, for example.

So in Melbourne I walked the three floors to my hostel room for one week each time instead of taking the elevator.

Go to the gym

In many cities, it is possible to sign up for a trial membership in a gym for a week or a day, which is of course free of charge. If you stay in one place for a longer period of time and the money allows it, then of course it is also a good idea to invest in a membership.

Go swimming

Whether it’s at the beach in the ocean or going to the outdoor pool, a great way to stay fit while traveling is to go swimming. If you are travelling in Australia then the rock pools that are often found on the beach are a good place to go. These are free of charge and are located directly by the sea.

Go for a walk

If you want to explore the surroundings or you are bored (which can actually happen when traveling, especially if you stay in one place for a long time), you can also take a short walk around the block to explore the surroundings further. Maybe this way you can find new activities or interesting places you haven’t even seen before. When you are close to the beach, one of the most beautiful things is to walk barefoot through the ankle-deep water.