Destinations, Italy

Lago di Como, Italy

Start traveling again

After 17 months trapped in the lockdown in Germany it was finally time for me to get out into the world again. Unfortunately not by plane to the other side of the world, as I so much wish, but nevertheless finally get out of Germany again. Together with my family, I spontaneously planned a one-week trip to Italy to Lago di Como just two weeks before departure.

In order to avoid all the traffic, trucks and traffic jams we set out one evening before just before midnight. With a few breaks and overnight stays in the car at rest stops we were already in the early morning in Switzerland. There we had a longer break before we drove down the last kilometers to Italy.

After a few short traffic jams, we finally reached Lago di Como at two o’clock noon. Fascinated by its sight, we made our way along the coast road to our apartment full of anticipation of our upcoming holidays. Fortunately, Google Maps showed only 20 more kilometers of driving.

Setbacks just before the finish line

But as well as the ride went so far, the last piece became more complicated. Only a few places before our holiday destination, the road had been closed by the police due to a thunderstorms.

The friendly policeman then pointed out that we would reach our holiday resort in Colonno either via a detour via Switzerland. Or we would have to go to Bellagio to take the ferry to the other side of the lake. From there we could reach Colonno from the other side.

Since we all had no reception in Switzerland and we are not the best card reader, it was clear to us that we would take the ferry in Bellagio.

So we entered Bellagio as our next destination to Google Maps. Directly we had to notice that we would have another 1,5 hour journey ahead of us. During the trip we had a breath-taking view of Lago di Como or were able to have a look at the small Italian villages.

Menaggio at Lago di Como

When we finally arrived at the ferry and the heat made us sweat, the lady explained to us that it would not make sense to take the ferry to the other side, as Colonno could not be reached from the other side either.

A little shocked we called the landlord of our apartment. He then reassured us that the road to Colonno was open. His friend had no problem getting into the town in the morning.

So we booked the ferry and dropped off just 15 minutes later. The trip was very short and we were able to enjoy our holiday a bit with the trip over the water and the view to Bellagio.

Lago di Como

On the other side we headed straight towards Colonno. But only a few kilometers before our destination, the road was blocked again. This time, however, only with orange hats that could have been easily passed. At the side of the road sat two nice residents of which one came directly to us. She explained to us in English, that we would still pass here and the road would be closed only after Colonno.

Relieved we thanked and continued on the way. Three hours later than originally planned, we finally stood in front of our accommodation.

Let the Holidays begin

We got our key straight away and headed for our apartment full of anticipation. And our expectations were not disappointed because the apartment we found was large, spacious, clean and very modern.

We rushed straight to the balcony and were immediately fascinated from the view. Since we were high up on a mountain, we could enjoy a wonderful view over Lago di Como in bright sunshine.

The long and exciting journey had been worth it and the holiday could begin.

We unpacked our suitcases from the car and then headed straight to do our grocery shopping. Since Colonno is not very interesting and there are only a few houses, we had to go to the next bigger village, which is not far away. In a small supermarket we did our shopping for the next few days.

Back in the accommodation we stowed away all our things and tried to get there. We let the first evening end relaxed in pleasant temperatures on the terrace overlooking the lake.

Welcome to Menaggio

The next morning we enjoyed the first day of vacation in which we first slept and after breakfast we laid out in the sun on our balcony. After weeks of exams, this was the best thing that could happen to me.

In the afternoon we set off for Menaggio, a place only twenty minutes drive from Colonno. Clouds were slowly rising in the sky, so we wanted to do something rather than continue lying on the terrace.

Menaggio is a really nice Italian place right on the waterfront with countless cafes, bars and restaurants. We strolled along the water, took countless photos and walked past all the shops and restaurants.

In the evening we made our way back to our accommodation, where we had a relaxing dinner on the terrace.

A rainy day at Lago di Como

The next morning we regularly checked our weather apps, as rain was announced for the next day. Since the sun was just shining, I took advantage of it and tan myself in the sun.

Although the rain was only announced for the evening, the sky closed at midday and it began to pour like streams. A little frustrated we decided to go to the supermarket in Menaggio. Hoping that the rain would subside and we could stop somewhere on the way.

Unfortunately, even after our big purchase, the rain did not stop, but only got worse. So we decided to go back to Colonno first to store our purchases. Still hoping that the rain would calm down soon and we could go again towards evening.

It was almost six o’clock in the evening when we came back to Colonno and slowly the rain stopped a bit. In order not to waste the remaining hours of our precious vacation day in the apartment, my mother and I decided to go to Tremezzo. A small village between Colonno and Menaggio.

But as soon as we arrived, it started to rain again. Nevertheless, we got out of the car armed with umbrellas and went to the water. Due to the pouring rain we decided to go back to our apartment relatively quickly. That evening it was also quite cold, so that this time we did not eat dinner on the terrace.

Visiting Bellagio

After a stormy night, during which it was thunderstorms all the time, the next morning was again very sunny. Before we left for Bellagio in the afternoon, we had a good time in the sunshine in the morning.

In the afternoon we took the ferry from Cadenabbia to Bellagio. Bellagio is here on Lake Como one of the most famous places and therefore also a total tourist magnet, as we had to find out very quickly.

Bellagio at Lago di Como

We explored the place, walking along the water and strolling past the many shops and restaurants.

As is often the case with the most famous places, we all quickly realized that Bellagio is not the most beautiful place on Lago di Como. In our opinion, Menaggio was much more beautiful.

Nevertheless, we stayed there for a while and climbed the famous long staircase in Bellagio. From the end we had a really nice view.

Bellagio at Lago di Como

After arriving by ferry at the other end of the lake in the evening, we decided, as it was not too late, to stop again in Tremezzo and look around again in the bright sunshine.

Relaxing for the last time

On our penultimate day, the sun was shining brightly again. So we started the day by lying on our balcony and enjoying the warmth and tranquility. Towards the afternoon I set out for the last time together with my mother to Menaggio.

There we once again walked along the water in peace, enjoyed the view of the water and in the center the Italian flair of Menaggio.

Plan changes

Our last day was clouded by the bad weather and the cold it brought with it. It was raining continuously and it was so foggy that we couldn’t even see the lake anymore. Since we couldn’t do anything during this weather, we decided that we would slowly pack our bags during the day, drive to the supermarket again and then head home towards evening.

Around 19 o’clock in the evening, the car was packed and we were able to make our way home with pouring rain. Fortunately, the return trip was less spectacular than the way out. So we arrived home the next morning with several breaks around 8 o’clock.

Later we find out that it was quite the right decision to go home already in the evening. Because the next morning the main road through Colonno – probably due to the heavy rain – was blocked again.