Au Pair

Orientation Day

The organisation I came to Australia with offered an Orientation Day for newly arrived au pairs. Of course I took part, because it was a good opportunity to get to know other au pairs.

At the Orientation day the team leaders first talked to us about living in Australia, living in the host family and caring for the children. Then all au pairs were divided into groups. We were divided so that the au pairs who live close to each other in Sydney are in a group. So you could get to know some people in your area. Together we should now make a treasure hunt through the city. Our task was to answer certain questions and take as many pictures as possible of us, the Australian flag and orange things. We should then post these pictures on Instagram.

After all questions had been answered and we had taken enough pictures, we went back to our meeting point. There we first ate pizza and the team leaders showed us great destinations to which we can travel with the organization. Meanwhile the results of the treasure hunt were evaluated. The prize for first place was a trip to the Great Barrier Reef. And of course my group made the second place. Still, it was a very nice day and a great way to meet some more Au Pairs.