Australia, Work & Travel

Plan your work and travel in Australia

The dream of many young people is to explore the world after school. Most students decide for a work and travel stay in Australia.

Travelling and working a bit to fill up your bank account may sound so relaxed and easy at first, but it requires a lot of planning before you leave.

Here is a summary of what you should definitely think about before leaving. So that nothing goes wrong during your work and travel stay:

What do you need to think about before leaving:

Have a valid passport:

Of course, it is very important for international flights to have a valid passport. Without it, you already fail to board a plane in your home country. So make sure your passport is still valid or apply for a new one. It can take up to six weeks to apply for a new passport.

Have a travel budget

When applying for a Working Holiday Visa as well as when entering Australia, you have to prove that you have enough travel budget with you. You don’t have to spend the money, the state just wants to avoid young travelers living at the expense of the state.
The bank statement or proof that you need to present must not be older than seven days and must be covered by $5,000.

Apply for a credit card

If you don’t have a credit card yet, you need to apply for a credit card (VISA or Mastercard) that makes it possible to pay anywhere in the world. This card should then be covered with the required $5,000 upon entry.

Apply for your visa

You should apply for your Working Holiday Visa at least one month before you start your Work and Travel trip. The visa is valid for 12 months and is valid from the day you enter Australia, not from the date of issue.
Keep in mind that the visa is only valid for 12 months. However, if you have worked on a farm for 3-6 months, you have the option of extending your visa by one or two years.

With the Working Holiday Visa, you have the opportunity to take any job you want in Australia. However, you can only work for a maximum of six months with an employer. But, if you want to work for a longer period of time at your employer, you have to apply to the state.
The visa can be applied online very easily. If all information is complete and you have not provided any unusual information, you should receive your visa by e-mail after a few minutes.

Visits to the doctor and vaccination

No vaccinations are required to enter Australia, but you should have refreshed all your standard vaccinations.
So it is best to go to the doctor weeks before you leave to check if you have all the vaccinations. If you miss some vaccinations, not all of them can be injected right away, and for some vaccinations several vaccinations are needed to provide complete protection. Vaccinations against hepatitis A and B are recommended.

Take out the most important insurances

The insurance policies you have taken out in your home country are, in most cases, no longer valid abroad. Therefore, it is important to find an insurance policy in good time, where you can take out all the necessary insurance policies. It is very important that you have a liability, health and accident insurance, because without it, it can get really expensive for you in an emergency. Depending on the circumstances, a luggage insurance may also be worthwhile.

Apply for an International Driving License

Without an International Driving License, your normal driving license is invalid. Therefore, you should apply for an international driver’s license before your Work and Travel trip. Even if you don’t plan on driving, it makes sense to have an international driver’s license with you, because your plans change faster than you think, especially on such a long journey.
Also, the international driver’s license is not expensive and will be issued to you immediately. Just remember to bring a passport photo of yourself.

Suitcase or backpack?

The suitcase as well as the backpack has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should plan your trip in advance so that you know which type of luggage is best for you.
If you travel a lot, move regularly from one hostel to the next and run many different routes with your luggage, then a backpack is probably more worthwhile, because with a suitcase it is more difficult to cope with forest trails.
On the other hand, a backpack usually only fits half as much luggage as a suitcase, which makes you much more limited. Also, while living in a hostel, you don’t often have the opportunity to store your belongings in a wardrobe, so you have to live out of your suitcase or backpack. With a suitcase, it’s easier to keep your clothes sorted and have a better overview without it all ending up in a huge mess.

Even if both the suitcase and the backpack have their advantages and disadvantages: Both require an uncanny amount of power to transport.

Book your flight

Only when you’ve done everything important, you should book your flight. Don’t book your flight too late to avoid catching the most expensive flight.
It is best to compare different airlines for prices, in-flight meals and baggage restrictions. I flew Emirates to Australia and can only recommend this airline to everyone.
It is best to take care of the departure and arrival time, because if you go directly from the airport to a hostel, it is better to arrive during the day than in the middle of the night, since not all hostels have a 24-hour reception.

Book your accommodation

Before boarding the plane, you should have booked your accommodation, not only because you have to indicate your accommodation upon arrival, but also to avoid any stress after landing. It’s best to already plan how to get to your accommodation from the airport: by bus, train or taxi.

Write a packing list

Since you will be travelling for a very long time and have restrictions on your baggage on flights, you should write a packing list for your Work and Travel so you don’t forget anything important.
Remember not to pack too many things, as every extra kilo on flights and carrying your luggage can be a huge burden. In addition, there will certainly be a few additional things to add.

Have enough cash with you

Even if your credit card is pretty safe and you’re going to open an Australian bank account when you’re working anyway, you should have cash with you for the first week. You can usually order this at a bank and will be there in a few days to pick it up.
I had opened my Australian bank account in the first few days after my arrival and my host family was able to transfer my money to me immediately, but there were problems with my card not being delivered, so I had no access to my earned money for almost three weeks. During that time, I lived off the cash that I had taken with me from Germany.

What do you need to do after you arrive:

Apply for a tax File Number

If you are not working as an Au Pair, you will definitely need a Tax File Number in Australia. This will then be sent to you by post to your Australian address. The exhibition can last up to 28 days.

Open an Australian bank account

Since transferring money to your foreign bank account is subject to fees, your employer will not transfer your money to that account. Therefore, you need to open an Australian bank account to which your salary can be transferred.
A bank account can be opened almost everywhere in a big city in Australia. However, before you return home, remember to close your bank account again. If there is still money in the account, you can transfer it to your bank account at home for a fee.

Get yourself a prepaid card

Especially in the beginning, if you don’t know anything about the area, it makes sense to have a prepaid card for your mobile phone to be able to access Google Maps or similar services at any time.