Destinations, Thailand

Postcard moments on Koh Tao – Thailand Travel Diary

Off to the island life

After three wonderful days with great people in Bangkok, I continued the journey alone again to Koh Tao. In the evening I went to the bus company’s office and checked in there. I was supposed to be there at 7:30 pm, but the bus didn’t leave until 9 pm. As I was putting my luggage down, a German spoke to me. We chatted while we had to wait for the bus.

At nine o’clock we had to walk 100 meters down the street to the bus. I booked the VIP bus because you have more legroom, the seats are more comfortable and you can also recline the backrest. Since I was traveling overnight, I thought the VIP bus would be better for sleeping. The extra charge of 8€ was worth it and after all I was able to save the money for a hostel that night.

On the bus there were two seats next to each other, then the aisle and then individual seats. I had the first individual seat in the front row. Of course, this gave me even more legroom. We were all given a snack, water and even a blanket. I was happy to have booked the VIP bus, but it wasn’t that easy to find a comfortable position to sleep. Although I slept during the journey, I woke up again and again very often.

Heading to Koh Tao

At six in the morning we arrived at the pier in Chumphon. But the ferry only left an hour later. There I met the German guy again. He had booked the normal bus. During the hour we had to wait for the ferry, we talked a lot. Shortly before seven, we were able to get on the ferry. It was a bit cloudy but the view of the sea was still incredibly beautiful as we walked along the jetty to the ferry.

The drive to Koh Tao took another two hours. As soon as we got on the ferry I fell straight back to sleep. I woke up once and went to the toilet. But the ferry swayed so much that I felt a little sick as soon as I sat back in my seat. Luckily I fell asleep again, otherwise I probably would have thrown up sooner or later.

We arrived on the island at nine o’clock. We were immediately surrounded by bright blue skies and turquoise water. I had been worried the whole time that it might just rain, that it would be even worse on the islands than in the country or in the city, but it was actually one of the most beautiful days I’ve had in a long time.

When we arrived on Koh Tao, we looked around for a taxi. We were then offered a taxi for 2 people for 300 Bath. That was actually quite a lot. We tried to negotiate but since this was a fixed price we had no chance. Finally we decided to take the taxi. Since we were in different hostels, I was let out first and Florian was then taken to his hostel.

Exploring the island

I couldn’t check in at the hostel yet. Fortunately, I was already able to use the bathroom, so I was able to freshen up again. In the hostel I immediately met another German with whom I chatted. After we both had something to eat we decided to explore the island together today. I then also texted to Florian and he was there too.

Max had already borrowed a scooter. I then borrowed a scooter and then we drove off to pick Florian up at his hostel. He then also needed a scooter, so we drove back to the rental place. Then we headed to Freedom Beach. During the 5 kilometer drive we were able to see quite a bit of the island.

When we arrived at Freedom Beach, we parked our scooters and then had to walk a short distance down the mountain. Entrance to the beach cost 50 bath. There we jumped straight into the cool turquoise blue water. It was the first time I had been to the beach in two months, so I really enjoyed the moment.

Freedom Beach

Incredible views over Koh Tao

All three of us were absolutely thrilled by the blue water and the beauty of the island. After a short swim in the water, we made our way to the nearby John Suwan Viewpoint. It didn’t look far from below, but when we made our way up, the path seemed to have no end. Nevertheless, halfway through the climb we already had a beautiful view of the blue water and the green palm trees.

John Suwan Viewpoint

To get up to the viewpoint we had to climb over some rocks. Luckily there was a rope to hold on to. When we reached the top we were totally impressed by the beautiful view over the island. On the way up to the viewpoint and at the viewpoint itself we kept meeting Germans. It was like Koh Tao was the second Mallorca.

After admiring the view for a while we climbed back down the path. We then walked back to our scooters and decided to head to Tanote Bay Beach next.

Before that we wanted to go to another viewpoint that was right next to the parking lot. However, we also had to pay an entrance fee of 50 Bath, which is why we decided against visiting the viewpoint.

The way to the Tanote Bay Beach was quite hilly. In some places it was extremely steep uphill and then steeply downhill again. On the steep downhill stretches, I turned off the engine and coasted down, braking with both hands.

We finally parked the scooters on the side of the road. We could have driven the last bit down to the beach and parked there, but the path was too steep.

When we arrived at the beach, we saw a huge rock a few meters from the beach. A lot of people stood on it and jumped down there. However, getting up there was a challenge. There was only one rope on the rock face to pull yourself up. We watched a few people try to climb up there, but most of them failed and turned back. It looked pretty dangerous even from the beach.

Sunset views over Koh Tao

Finally we made our way back. It was already late afternoon and we wanted to drive to a viewpoint for sunset. We drove to the hostel first as it was on the way. After a short break there and a quick shopping session at the supermarket, we drove on to High Rock Viewpoint. We followed the normal road for a few kilometers and then finally turned onto the path that led to the viewpoint. There were now two kilometers left. The path was well developed, but very narrow. In some places we had to drive through the dirt, but since it hadn’t rained, it wasn’t muddy and not that dangerous to drive along there.

When we arrived at the parking lot, we parked the scooters and walked straight to the viewpoint. This was also only 100 meters away from the viewpoint. We had to pay an entrance fee of 50 Bath, then sat on cushions in the hut and then waited for the sunset. The views over Koh Tao, the sea and the sunset were really beautiful.

High Rock Viewpoint

As soon as the sun went down, we went to our scooters and headed back. It was now getting dark and we drove quite carefully along the narrow and steep path back to the Main Street. When we arrived at the hostel, we first checked into our rooms. Since we had arrived early in the morning, we hadn’t been able to go into the room yet. I then spent the rest of the evening in the hostel.

Another day on Koh Tao

The boys had both booked a diving course for the next day, so I did something alone again. This morning I finally slept in again and took my time. I then had breakfast at the hostel and then drove to Aow Leuk Grand Beach. I had previously asked at the reception which is the best beach for snorkeling and they recommended it to me.

Just before I got to the beach I had to turn off the main Road and go down a steep path. The path actually looked pretty steep, so I parked the scooter on the side of the road and then walked down. In the end, the path didn’t look so steep anymore and I didn’t actually want to walk the 500 meters. So I drove very slowly down the slope. The last 500 meters were extremely steep, but I managed it and finally parked my scooter at the beach parking lot.

I had to pay a fee of 50 Bath and then I was allowed to go to the beach. It was a bit cloudy that day, but the water was still turquoise blue. A cloudy sky doesn’t bother you while snorkeling anyway. I immediately grabbed my mask and went into the water.

Snorkeling on Koh Tao

I couldn’t see any reef, but as soon as I went under there were lots of different fish swimming around me. It only took a few minutes before a small shark even swam past me. I knew they existed in the water on Koh Tao and so I really wanted to see one. Immediately I swam after him so I could watch him closely.

Shark on Koh Tao

I spent over half an hour in the water looking for more sharks and turtles. I actually saw another shark but no turtle. So I climbed out of the water again, changed my clothes and then drove to the nearest beach, which is probably good for snorkeling. This was Shark Bay Beach.

To get to the beach I had to walk through a restaurant and then through the water again to get to the beach. This meant I didn’t have to pay an entry fee.

When I got to the beach, I put my things on the beach and immediately jumped back into the water. However, the visibility under water was very poor. I couldn’t see anything except just my hand in front of my eyes. So I quickly climbed out of the water and made my way to the next beach. This was the Hin Wong Dive Spot. The path to the beach was of course quite steep, like every path on Koh Tao. But I was able to park my scooter right on the beach and didn’t have to pay any fees at the Hin Wong Dive Spot.

I put my things down on the beach again and immediately jumped into the water. The visibility underwater was much better than before at Shark Bay. I could see numerous fish again, which also pinched my foot, but unfortunately no turtles or sharks.

Beautiful sunsets over Koh Tao

After snorkeling at Hin Wong Dive Spot, I drove back to the hostel. I took a shower there and got some rest. At half past five, an hour before the sun went down, I rode my scooter to a smoothie stand and bought a smoothie there. I then drove to the nearby Sairee Beach. In fact, it was a miracle that I got the smoothie, which I had packed in a plastic bag, safely to the beach.

When I arrived at Sairee Beach, I found a nice spot, spread out my towel and drank my smoothie while watching the sun go down. The closer the day I fly home gets, the more I try to enjoy and appreciate every moment.

Sunset on the beach on Koh Tao

As soon as the sun went down, I drove back to the hostel. In the evening I went on foot again and bought a Pad Thai for 50 Bath for take away from a stand. With the Pad Thai I went back to the hostel and ate there. I spent the rest of the evening with a few people. We talked a lot and played one round of cards after the next.

Day Trip to Ko Nang Yuan

I spent the next morning relaxing in the hostel. That day I planned to go to the island of Ko Nang Yuan, which is right next to Koh Tao. Since there is only one viewpoint and only one beach on Ko Nang Yuan, you don’t need too much time to explore the island.

After I had breakfast at the hostel, I made my way to Sairee Beach. From there you can take a taxi boat that will take you to the island. I was able to book a boat directly at a stand on the beach, but the price was 500 Bath for the trip there and back. But I really wanted to see the island, which is why I paid the price. I then agreed with the boat driver that I would be picked up again at 3 pm. At this point it was 12 pm. In just under three hours I definitely had enough time to explore the island.

I was immediately taken by boat to the island of Ko Nang Yuan. The drive there only took 10 minutes. As soon as I got there I was surrounded by turquoise blue water. I then had to pay another fee of 250 Bath to visit the island. In addition, the plastic bottle was taken away from me at the entrance because the island should remain plastic-free and the environment should be protected.

Ko Nang Yuan Island

So I went to the nearest restaurant and bought a glass water bottle there. With 40 Bath this was quite expensive. The lid was immediately removed and I now had an opened water bottle with me.

„Can Someone pinch me, please“ – Moments

When I reached the top, my jaw almost dropped, the view was so beautiful. The view of the island and the water was just perfect. I had previously read in the reviews on Google that you have to queue at the Viewpoint for over half an hour to get a picture. However, there wasn’t much going on up there. Another advantage of the low season.

Ko Nang Yuan Island

I spent almost an hour at the viewpoint. The view was just incredibly beautiful. I couldn’t get enough of it and would have liked to stay there for another hour. I took numerous photos but also sat down for a few moments and simply enjoyed the view and took everything in. It just felt like I was in the middle of the picture of a great postcard.

Relaxing at the beach

After almost an hour it was time to go back downstairs. I now had another hour until I was picked up again by the boat. Then I looked for a nice place by the water, put my things there and then went straight into the sea. I spent the rest of the time there in the water. I could also see crabs on a rock and I was about to go closer to get a better look at them, but then someone came out of the water and warned me that there was a jellyfish in the water. Shortly afterwards I could see something quite large on the surface of the water that looked very similar to a jellyfish.

At just before three I made my way back to the pier. There I was picked up straight from the boat and taken back to Koh Tao. I then went back to the hostel and showered there.

Shortly before sunset I went back to the smoothie stand and bought a smoothie there. I then went to the beach with it to watch the sunset. At first I didn’t think there would be as beautiful a sunset as the day before as it was a bit cloudy. But as soon as the sun went down, the sky turned a fiery pink, which looked incredibly spectacular.

After the red faded, I went back to the hostel. In the evening I went back to the stand where you can buy Pad Thai. I took it back to the hostel and had dinner there.

Relaxed morning by the sea

The next morning I went on to Koh Samui. The ferry wasn’t booked until 3 pm, which is why I went to the beach again after breakfast at the hostel. First I went to a shop where I had seen really nice bracelets the night before. Since I’ve been in Asia, I’ve always been looking for a narrow bracelet that I could wear as a souvenir and now I finally found one and bought it.

After I finally got my bracelet, I went to Sairee Beach and lay down on the beach. After a while, I made my way back to the hostel, where I changed and then at 2 pm. I was picked up by the taxi that took me to the pier.

If you would like to know what I experienced during my time on Koh Samui, please read my next blog post Exploring the island Koh Samui – Thailand Travel Diary.