Destinations, Italy

Rome, Italy

Heavily packed in Rome

Since Florence is not worth more than a day, I went straight on to Rome the next day. In Google Maps, I chose the longer path that led along the sea. However, the sea was still too far away from the road, so I could only catch a glimpse of the sea on the three hour drive. But the good thing was that I was able to avoid the tolls for the most part.

I parked my car in the suburb of Lido di Ostia, because I didn’t want to get in the traffic in Rome. From the parking lot in Lido di Ostia I headed for the train station. Very quickly I decided that on my next trip I would finally switch from a suitcase to a backpack. A heavy suitcase can be very inconvenient.

Fortunately, the trip to Rome was quite uncomplicated. Also, I found myself quite well and I was quickly at the train station of my hostel. From there it was only a kilometer to my accommodation.

Meanwhile, every part of my body hurt from all the luggage as I made my way to the hostel. When I finally discovered the sign of the hostel I breathed relief.

Here I shared the room again with six people. The hostel in Florence I personally found better, but the hostel in Rome was also very good and really clean. Completely exhausted from the long drive with the car and the heavy luggage I was finally in my room.

I did nothing more that day but tried to recover. In front of the hostel and thus right under the window of my room was the bar belonging to the hostel. It was noisy until the night, but still so that you could sleep well.

Ripped off in Rome

The next morning I got up very early in order to do as much as possible during the day. Around ten o’clock I left the hostel and headed for the train station. The day before I had seen that there is a 48 hour ticket for 12,50€. Since I would use the train more often in the next two days, it was definitely worth buying.

Arrived at the station there were only ticket machines around me, but at none of them I could find the possibility to buy a 48 hour ticket. I then stood in line at the service desk. I stood there for ten minutes and there was absolutely no progress. Once again I tried to get my ticket at one of the vending machines but it didn’t work at all.

Then a woman approached me and asked if she could help me. So I explained to her that I needed a 48 hour ticket and she led me to the stand where I could buy it. Then she explained to me in detail which train I would have to take and then she demanded 20 euros for her “service work”. For the fact that she showed me basically within 5 minutes only the ticket booth, that was a damn lot of money she asked for. Of course, I only had my credit card with me and she led me to the ATM. Of course, she didn’t leave my side for a second during that time.

When I finally got rid of the woman, I had my ticket and found the train. Finally I could set off for Vatican City. I was really impressed by the size of the Vatican as well as St. Peter’s Square.

St. Peter’s Square
Sightseeing in Italy’s capital

From there I walked over Piazza del Popolo and Via del Corso to the famous Spanish staircase.

Spanish staircase in Rome

After a short break there, I went on to the Trevi Fountain. This was of course completely overcrowded by tourists, but it was one of the most beautiful places in Rome for me.

I spent quite a while there amidst the commotion of people. During that time I was asked several times by souvenir sellers if they couldn’t sell me something. Among other things, the same man probably tried four or five times to put a Polaroid photo on me.


From the Trevi Fountain, I continued past the Pantheon to Piazza Navona and from there to Largo di Torre.


Since it was actually not as late as I had thought at first and I was not far from the Coliseum anymore, I decided to pass there. However, I was already quite exhausted, so I just took a few photos and then went by train back to the hostel. After I was still grocery shopping and had successfully run 22 000 steps. I was pretty finished and did nothing more that evening except to have dinner together with other travelers in the kitchen.

Rome’s landmark: The Coliseum

The next morning I slept in, because I still had plenty of time for all the sights. After getting ready, I took the train to the Trevi Fountain, because I really liked it there.

Trevi Fountain

Around noon I drove back to the hostel, ate something and then took the train to the Coliseum. It was incredibly hot and I was incredibly exhausted from the day before. I explored the Coliseum extensively this time and was really impressed.

Since it was so incredibly hot, I was tired and my feet hurt from walking, I only made my way to Piazza del Campidoglio and the Altare della Partia. I personally didn’t find the Piazza del Campidoglio particularly impressive. But I was all the more overwhelmed by the huge building of the Altare della Partia.

Piazza del Campidoglio

From there it went for me only to the train station, quickly to the supermarket and then directly to the hostel, where I recovered.

In the evening I went to sleep early because I had to go out early in the morning because I wanted to go to Capri. I have to admit, since I’ve been traveling, I actually don’t sleep very well and lie awake a lot, so I wasn’t really fit the next morning.