Australia, Destinations, Oceania

Sightseeing in Adelaide – Australia Travel Diary

As usual, a new day in a new city starts for me by going grocery shopping. After I had done that, which luckily was not much, as I would not stay long in Adelaide, I had breakfast and then set off to explore the city.

Sightseeing in Adelaide

First I went to Victoria Square, which was not far from my hostel, as my hostel is very close to the city. The closer I am to the city, the more I pay for my nights. But I save myself the long way into the city and the bus ticket.

The Victoria Square was not really interesting. But as I cannot connect anything with Adelaide, I looked up in the internet what I can see in Adelaide.

Victoria Square

From Victoria Square I went on to Rundle Mall, the shopping street of Adelaide. I was already there in the morning to do my shopping. But now I had more time to have a look at the shopping street.

Shopping Street Rundle Mall

There I bought new headphones for 2$, because mine were broken. Without headphones it is not possible to survive hours of flights or bus trips. As bad as the headphones are, the price was clearly justified, but since they serve their purpose, that is unimportant.

From Rundle Mall I went on to the State Library of South Australia. And just because of the library, it was worth to come to Adelaide. The library is very old but also really beautiful.

State Library of South Australia in Adelaide

From there I continued my trip along the Anzac Centenary Memorial Walk to Elder Park. This one is quite small, so I had to go through it within a few minutes. The Elder Park is located directly at the water, so that I walked a little from there along the River Torrens.

The path, which also led a little bit through the forest, was not very long, so that I turned back quite fast.

At that time it was already late in the afternoon and I was already a bit exhausted. So after a short stop at the Convention Centre I made my way back to the hostel.

Convention Centre in Adelaide

I had already ticked off a lot of my list of things to do in Adelaide that day, as it was not sunny at all that day and it is very relaxing to explore the city without sweating under cloudy skies.

Continue through the city

I didn’t really felt like doing anything the next day, as I had already been lying awake for two hours that night, as one of my nice roommates thought he could wake us all up at 5 am by switching on the light and then starting to talk to someone else.

It was also thirty degrees outside and I already knew that at the end of the day I would return to the hostel totally sweaty and exhausted. But as I didn’t want to waste my short time in Adelaide by sitting in the hostel all day, I picked myself up after breakfast and left the hostel.

First I went to Park Lands. The park was really beautiful with lots of colourful flowers and small fountains and waterfalls.

At some point I went on to the botanical garden. After more than 30 minutes of walking through the sun, I finally arrived at this place quite sweaty. Here in Australia, every city has a botanical garden and they all look almost the same. But if, like me, you always have too much time in the cities, then you can always take a look at them. The Botanical Garden in Adelaide is one of the most beautiful gardens I have seen in Australia.

After a break, I went back to the hostel. It was early afternoon but I could use the time to pack my things. Because now I am finally going to Kangaroo Island and I can see something complety different.

After I was back from Kangaroo Island I had another day in Adelaide. But unfortunately I did not know what else I could do. There would have been some activities a bit outside the city, but it was nothing I was really interested in. So I don’t wanted to spend the money for the bus. In my hostel room I met two guys in the evening before with whom I wanted to go to the beach, but the plans were cancelled.

After a little research, I decided to have a look at the Himeji Garden. From my hostel, I walked there in 30 minutes. The garden was really nice and quiet but also very small, so that within 5 minutes I had already seen everything.

I then went back to the hostel, packed my things, cooked and then I went to sleep. Because the next morning I had to leave early to make my way to Melbourne.