Australia, Travel Guide

Some things you need to know if you travel to Australia

Other countries different customs! Before spending a long time in another country, you should always find out about the rules, customs and culture of that country. I have summarized only the most important rules in Australia in this short blog post.

Although there are many rules in Australia about courtesy and dealing with other people. But you usually get to know the rules of conduct much better by being in contact with the locals. If you are just polite and friendly and think with common sense what you should do and say and what you don’t, you can’t do anything wrong.


Alcohol consumption is generally allowed in Australia from 18 years of age. However, it is forbidden to drink alcohol in public and is punished with several hundred dollars if you get caught.

Road transport

There are also heavy penalties for driving if you do not follow the traffic rules. Because of the frequent radar controls, you should keep to the speed limit of 50-60 km/h in the closed village and 70-110 km/h outside closed villages.
Furthermore, driving with a mobile phone is forbidden and the legal alcohol limit is 0,05.

Emergency number

The emergency number in Australia is 000.


In Australia it is not common to tip. Only in restaurants of the upscale class it can happen that you also tip once.

Left hand traffic

Not only on the road you drive on the left side, but also on the sidewalk and escalators keep to the left. If you are accustomed to walk on the right hand side from home, then it takes some time of getting used to it.

Swimming and surfing

In the sea, you should only swim between the flags on the beach. This is the only area that is monitored by lifeguards. In Southern Australia it is not as dangerous to swim in the sea as in the North. In the North it is very dangerous due to the many crocodiles in the water.
Not only crocodiles can lurk in the water cube jellyfish, cone snails, stonefish and sharks can be found all over Australia’s waters.