Australia, Destinations

Welcome to Sydney – Australia Travel Diary

22nd August 2019, 10.20pm:

Finally my flight went from Frankfurt to Sydney. It was my first flight and I was really excited and nervous but everything went well. The changeover in Dubai was also much easier than expected. I think the hardest part of all was saying goodbye to my family at the airport.

24th August 2019, 6.00am:

Welcome to Sydney! I landed after 23 hours. At the airport my host mother picked me up together with the two children. They were all happy I finally got there. The oldest of the two boys even pulled my suitcase up to the parking lot.

We drove through the city over the Harbour Bridge to my new home for the next six months. It was so exciting to see everything directly in front of you that you only knew from pictures from the internet before. I will never forget the moment when we drove out of the tunnel and I saw the Harbour Bridge right in front of me for the first time. This bridge is much bigger than expected and in that moment I realized where I am, at the other end of the world in Sydney.

At home in the family I met the other au pair, who is still here with me for two weeks. I also met the host father and the grandparents.

In the afternoon I took the train with the other au pair and the sister of my host mother to the city. We walked over the Harbour Bridge, which I found really exciting. I have also been able to see the Opera House from afar. Together we also walked across a market, bought some food and ate it under the Harbour Bridge with a view to the Opera House. Then we already made our way home again, because I was very tired from my flight. The jetlag lasted for a few days…
